Sunday, April 18, 2010

What the Hell are the Numbers (Part IV)

Greetings again, folks. A sudden request from my school to present a paper on my research at a symposium sort of took up a lot of time last week, so sorry about the missed update. I do have some new and exciting numbers for you fine internet voyeurs, however, so lets get straight to it.

Height: 6'4"
Age: 23
Weight (as of 4/18/10): 289.2 lbs
BMI: 35.2
Body fat percentage: 30.98-36.48%

Making some great progress so far, and the push for 30 lbs by May 8th continues! Still running, still limiting my diet and as you can see, its having some profound effects. If you are ever curious about when and how much I am exercising, poke on over to my twitter page as I fairly consistently post the results of my runs. As is the norm, however, there is also a lot of trivial bullshit that will be posted there, so keep an eye out for that as well.

See you in the next post!

Here's to Health!

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