Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where the Hell Has He Been?

 Ok, so I kinda screwed that one up. The posting, no so much the weight loss I mean. Almost three months since my last post? Yeeeesh, sorry about that. There is much to discuss, but before any of that, here are the numbers for today. Its all below the cut!

Height: 6'4"
Age: 23
Weight (as of 4/07/10): 292.0 lbs
BMI: 35.5
Body fat percentage: 32-36.65%

So, as can be seen, progress has been made to the tune of roughly 12-13 lbs since I started all this, and 18 lbs since December (I weighed 310 at Christmas/new year). While this is awesome progress, it puts me behind on my goals, one of which I have missed outright. I didn't hit the 20lbs mark by March, and I wont hit the 40lbs mark by graduation on May 8th. That doesn't mean I will give up on this goal, however. I will strive to hit the 30lbs mark by graduation at the very least.

Now Watch Me Rationalize

The problem was that I sort of fell off the diet train. Not to say I started eating meat again, just that I started eating a little too much around the start of March, and that nullified a lot of my progress. This has since been rectified and I have been keeping strict count of my calorie intake each day, insuring that I take in only 2000-2500 and work off at least 800 through exercise. Considering my maintenance intake amount is approx 2869 calories, I should see some dramatic weight loss, and I have since starting this new plan in mid march. Now, before I start hearing shouts of an unhealthy pace, I have checked this out with my GP and gotten the green light. So long as my nutrient intake stays healthy, and I dont drop below 1000 calories a day after exercise, I will be all right.

Fun and Better Living Through Endogenous Pharmacology

This actually brings me to the next update, and thats the change in exercise regime. I started out doing crossfit, and for a while that worked well, but I didn't get an immediate reward from it. As a gamer and a slave to the ultimate power that is instant gratification (Variable Ratio Reward for the social scientists out there), the lack of endorphins after a workout sort of worked against me. So I found a way to get that chemical rush: running. I have been running both on a treadmill and on an inclined elliptical for an hour every day a week I can spare it (average is about 4 days a week) since mid march and I love every minute of it. I have averaged about 4.2 miles over a 65 minute session since starting, with a 10% incline each time. To say that it is intense is a small understatement.

Never Going to Give You Up

So now that I have hit my second wind, so to speak, its time to get this blog updating more often. Weekly at the very least. Expect to see more posts and whatnot. Additionally, I will have new photos of my fatness next week when I post the numbers. I also want to send out a very special thank you to the many, many people I saw at PAX East that wanted to know why I wasnt updating. I had no idea I had so many people behind me, but I should have known you were all there. Thanks a ton, guys.

Here's to Health!

1 comment:

  1. w00t w00t.

    Keep it up man. I myself embarked on a similar regime last December (a little over a year ago) and though I did not aim for anything quite this drastic I have managed to hit my short term goal which was to get below 200lbs. So here's to you my friend. Good luck, and let me know if you ever want someone to chat diet and exercise with. I find that to be an incredible motivator.
